Batch 12: English Brown Ale
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By Volume
Primary Secondary Keg
1.051 1.009 5.5 % 67 % 7 days 11 days 6 days


rewed on Saturday, November 15th, 2003
This was one of the smoothest brew sessions yet. Everything went great with the partial mash and boil then things took a little longer than expected with cooling because of only one bag of ice. I really need to get a better chiller. Another bottleneck I always have is filtering into the carboy. The screen always gets clogged and takes a little bit of time to filter the whole batch. This is the same recipe as the last batch of brown ale. It turned out so good I didn't want to change a thing. My mash efficiency improved slightly from the last batch.

Partial Mash
5.00 gal Batch Size
3.53 gal Boil Size


Amount Item Price
3.50 lb Light Liquid Malt Extract (8 L) $5.25
4.00 lb Briess 2-row Pale Malt (2 L) $3.80
0.75 lb Briess Caramel Malt (80 L) $0.86
0.25 lb Briess Chocolate Malt (375 L) $0.34
0.50 lb Light Brown Sugar (8 L) $0.50
1.00 oz Fuggles Hops (4.00 %) at 60 min $0.95
1.00 oz East Kent Goldings Hops (6.10 %) at 10 min $0.95
1.00 tsp Irish Moss at 30.0 min $0.10
1 pkgs White Labs British Ale (WLP005) $4.95


Time Step
2:20 PM Sanitized equipment
2:40 PM Heated 2 gal strike water to 170 F, preheated mash tun
2:52 PM Doughed in at 162 F, mashed at 152 F
  Heated 2.1 gal sparge water to 184 F, preheated hot liquor tank
3:55 PM Lautered 3.5 gal of wort, 1.028 @ 115 F = 1.037 SG, 67% Mash Efficiency
4:50 PM Boiled, added hops on schedule
5:50 PM Cooled to 70 F
  Fermented for 7 days, 1.050 @ 71 F = 1.051 OG (Estimate: 1.056 OG)
7:20 PM Cleaned equipment


acked to Secondary on Saturday, November 22nd, 2003
After fermenting in the primary for 7 days the English Brown Ale was racked into the secondary fermentor. This was my first time using a 5 gallon Cornelius keg for secondary fermentation. I did not modify the dip tube but may wish that I had cut off an inch to leave the trub behind. We'll see how it works as is. To affix the airlock to the lid I used a 1.5" long piece of vinyl tubing from my gas line that fit perfectly in the pressure relief valve. The tubing has a 1/2" OD and 1/4" ID. The bottom tip of the three-piece airlock was removed and fit into the other end of the tubing to make an airtight seal. I used a slightly larger and softer o-ring to seal the keg lid because of the low pressure inside. They are available from <A HREF="">Williams Brewing<A>.


egged on Wednesday, December 3rd, 2003
After fermenting in the secondary for 2 weeks the English Brown Ale was racked into two 2.5-gallon Firestone kegs. Transferring from the 5 gallon corny was an easy task. I simply connected the out posts on the two kegs with quick disconnects and tubing, opened the pressure relief valve on the receiving keg and applied a small amount of pressure to the gas in of the full keg. There was a little sediment pushed through at the beginning of the transfer but then the beer was clear until the end. When yeast started being pushed through at the end, the transfer was stopped. After sealing both kegs with CO2 I put one in the fridge to get carbonated and the other will sit at room temperature until needed. I ran into a problem when attaching the gas line to carbonate the keg in the fridge. The hose clamp around the barb with the swivel nut that connects to the quick disconnect failed. It's not one of those screw clamps but one that you pinch closed. After I get a replacement screw clamp I can start to carbonate this beer.

1.008 @ 70 F = 1.009 FG
5.5% ABV


asted on Tuesday, December 9th, 2003
Again, another fine brown ale. Fermentation temperatures were lower overall for this beer and I think it definitely improved the flavor. Got my keg of this in the fridge just in time for the holidays. Cheers!