Check |
Time |
Step |
4 days before |
Make Yeast Starter: German Ale (Wyeast Labs #1007) [Starter 500 ml] |
Date: ________ |
Sanitize primary fermentor, airlock, wine thief, hydrometer jar, mix-stir aerator, heat exchanger, wort wizard, and stoppers. Clean boil ketlle, mash tun, tubing, paddle, hydrometer, thermometer, pyrex cup. |
Add Irish moss to 0.25 cup cold water in pyrex cup. |
Prepare 5.50 gal strike water. Temp:______ F |
Prepare Ingredients for Mash
Amount |
Item |
Type |
16.00 lb |
Munich Malt (9.0 SRM) |
Grain |
0.50 lb |
Caramunich Malt (56.0 SRM) |
Grain |
2 min |
Mash Ingredients Step: Add 22.00 qt of water at 163.9 F |
60 min |
Hold mash at 150.0 F for 60 min. Preheat hot liquor tank. Temp:______ F |
Add first wort hops to boiler at start of sparge
Amount |
Item |
Type |
1.00 oz |
Spalt [4.50%] (70 min)
First Wort Hop |
Hops |
Recirculate and sparge with 3.28 gal of 175.0 F water to achieve boil volume of 6.55 gal
Measure Gravity: ________ @ Temp:______ F
Boil for 70 min |
Start to Boil |
10 min into boil |
Add 3.50 oz Spalt [4.50%] (Boil 60 min) |
40 min into boil |
Add 1.00 tsp Irish Moss (Boil 30.0 min) |
Cool wort to fermentation temperature with
heat exchanger and transfer to primary fermentor with wort wizard.
Aerate wort with mix-stir.
Measure Original Gravity: ________ @ Temp:______ F (Estimate: 1.075 SG) |
Add Ingredients to Fermentor
Amount |
Item |
Type |
1 Pkgs |
German Ale (Wyeast Labs #1007) [Starter 500 ml] |
Yeast-Ale |
Clean boil kettle, paddle, thermometer, wine thief, mix-stir aerator, hydrometer,
mash tun, tubing, heat exchanger, and wort wizard. |
14 days |
Ferment in primary for 14 days at 60.0 F |
Date: ________ |
Sanitize racking cane, tip, tubing, carboy cap, secondary fermentor, airlock, and stopper. |
Transfer to secondary fermentor. |
Clean primary fermentor, racking cane, tip, tubing, and carboy cap. |
14 days |
Ferment in secondary for 14 days at 60.0 F |
Date: ________ |
Measure Final Gravity: ________ @ Temp:______ F (Estimate: 1.018 SG) |
racking cane, tip, tubing, crimper, and carboy cap.
Transfer to
keg, force carbonate at 40.0 F at a pressure of 12.2 PSI. |
fermentor, racking cane, tip, tubing, crimper, and carboy cap.
28 days |
Age for 28 days at 40.0 F |
Date: ________ |
Taste and enjoy! |